Five years ago, I went vegan. It’s one of the best decisions
I’ve ever made. I didn’t stop eating meat, dairy, and eggs because I didn’t like
the taste. I
stopped because I saw an undercover video that exposed how innocent animals
were ruthlessly abused and slaughtered.
Here’s why I am never going back and the millions of other
vegans aren’t either.
1. We care about the planet.
Animal agriculture is terrible for the planet. In fact,
raising animals for food produces more greenhouse gases than all forms of
global transportation combined, making eating vegan one of
the best ways to fight climate change!
2. We want to be
Countless studies have shown that a vegan diet is beneficial
to your health. Meat
is linked to heart disease, diabetes, stroke, and even cancer. In
fact, the World Health Organization reported that processed
meats are just as hazardous to your health as cigarettes. Think about that
for a minute.
3. We feel the best we’ve
ever felt!
Many people say that after they went vegan, their complexions improved and hair got
shinier. Also, they lost unwanted pounds!
4. We want to live a
long life.
A large-scale study of 73,000 Americans finds that
eating a vegetarian diet promotes longevity. Study participants
who followed a plant-based diet had an early mortality rate 20 percent lower
than those who consumed meat!
5. We care about
workers’ rights.
From slave labor to sexual abuse, workers at modern farms
are just as victimized as the animals. These workers
are subjected to countless workplace hazards, including injuries, respiratory illness, PTSD,
and exposure to antibiotic-resistant bacteria.
6. We’re all about
saving money.
Some of the most affordable foods on the planet are rice,
beans, legumes, pasta, and all kinds of fruits and veggies, making eating
vegan a great way to save money!
7. We want to tackle
world hunger.
Nearly 800 million people do not have
enough to eat, while 90 million acres of land are used to grow corn to feed
factory-farmed animals. You don’t need to be a mathematician to figure out that
this is a problem.
8. We’re obsessed
with vegan food!
From kale and quinoa to tempeh and sweet potatoes, vegan
fare tastes amazing. Expand your palate and discover a whole new world of flavor!
Nearly every city in the U.S. has incredible restaurants with
vegan options. To find veg restaurants near you, check out
9. We’re saving a
sh*t ton of water.
Meat and dairy production are incredibly water intensive. In
fact, animal agriculture uses a whopping 56 percent of water in the United States.
Mother Jones reports that it takes 30
gallons of water to make one glass of milk and a staggering 109 gallons of
water to make one stick of butter.
10. We love making
new vegan friends.
Vegans are some of the most talented, intelligent, and
compassionate people alive. Join a vegan meetup, attend a vegan potluck, or
participate in other veg events close to you and make new friends.
11. We’re sparing animals!
Veganism isn’t about perfection; it’s about protecting
animals from a lifetime of suffering. By choosing a vegan
diet, you too can spare the lives of about 30 farmed animals each year!
Not vegan yet? Click here
to get started!