These 14 facts will make you want to be a voice for farmed
1. The meat industry emits more greenhouse gases than all transportation
in the world combined.

2. Animals on factory
farms can’t even turn around, lie down comfortably,
or stretch their limbs because they live in spaces so small.

3. The dairy industry rips calves away from their mothers when
the babies are only a day old.

4. Since male chicks do not lay eggs or grow quickly enough
to be raised profitably for meat, they are often killed within hours of
hatching. Some are ground up alive, while others are gassed or

5. The USDA’s Wildlife Services division is responsible for
killing any animal that famers deem a threat to their livestock. In 2013, Wildlife Services killed more than 2 million animals,
including bears, coyotes, wolves, foxes, and prairie dogs.

6. Animal agriculture uses a whopping 56 percent of water in the
United States.

7. A study by the World Health Organization places processed
meats like bacon and sausage in the same carcinogenic category as asbestos and

8. Piglets who are too sick or too small are killed by being
slammed headfirst onto concrete floors.

9. Animal agriculture is culpable for nearly 91 percent of Amazon destruction, according
to the World Bank.

10. The National Journal estimates
that 20 percent of fish caught by commercial fisheries is “bycatch,”
or unwanted animals. This means animals like sea turtles, seals, small whales,
porpoises, dolphins, and sharks are swept up in massive trawling nets and often

11. Chickens raised and killed for meat have been bred to
grow so quickly they frequently become immobilized under their own weight and
endure debilitating pain.

12. Dehorning, tail docking, debeaking, and castration are
all mutilations performed daily on factory farms. These cruel acts are carried
out without anesthesia. Because of the filthy factory farm conditions, they
often result in infection.

13. A Royal Society Open Science study found that
farmed fish suffer from severe depression and sometimes “drop out, or float around lifelessly.

14. Not a single federal law protects animals during
their lives on factory farms, and the law that protects cows and pigs at
the slaughterhouse—the Humane Methods of Slaughter Act—does not extend to birds
or rabbits.

Help save about 30 animals each year by switching to a
compassionate vegan diet. Click here to order your FREE Vegetarian
Starter Guide.
Click here
for some actions you can take to fight for farmed animals.