good for our health and saves the lives of innocent animals, but how many of us think about the ways our food impacts the planet?
For those who consider themselves “green” or “eco-friendly,” eating a plant-based, vegan diet is a must for saving the planet. Here are six ways being veg does just that!
1. Lightens Your Carbon Footprint
Care about climate change? Switching to a vegan diet reduces carbon emissions by 50 percent. 50 percent!
2. Takes Back the Land
A whopping 30 percent of Earth’s land is used for raising animals for food, including the land required to grow feed crops. We could grow so many fruits and veggies with that land.
3. Feeds the Hungry
With so many hungry people in this world, 70 percent of the grains grown in the U.S. are still fed to farmed animals. Imagine how many people we could feed if we all went vegan.
4. Saves Water
Did you know that it takes 15 times more water to produce a pound of beef than a pound of soy? Don’t just take shorter showers; ditch meat from your diet!
5. Halts Deforestation
Eighty percent of the Amazon’s deforested land is used as cattle pasture. Going meat-free saves the trees!
6. Prevents Pollution
A pound of beef requires 13 percent more fossil fuels to produce than a pound of soy. If you really want to save fossil fuel, don’t just drive a Prius, cut meat out of your diet.
For tips on switching to an eco-friendly plant-based diet, check out!
We know that eating a vegan diet is
For those who consider themselves “green” or “eco-friendly,” eating a plant-based, vegan diet is a must for saving the planet. Here are six ways being veg does just that!
1. Lightens Your Carbon Footprint

2. Takes Back the Land

3. Feeds the Hungry
With so many hungry people in this world, 70 percent of the grains grown in the U.S. are still fed to farmed animals. Imagine how many people we could feed if we all went vegan.
4. Saves Water
Did you know that it takes 15 times more water to produce a pound of beef than a pound of soy? Don’t just take shorter showers; ditch meat from your diet!
5. Halts Deforestation
Eighty percent of the Amazon’s deforested land is used as cattle pasture. Going meat-free saves the trees!
6. Prevents Pollution
A pound of beef requires 13 percent more fossil fuels to produce than a pound of soy. If you really want to save fossil fuel, don’t just drive a Prius, cut meat out of your diet.
For tips on switching to an eco-friendly plant-based diet, check out!