According to CBC News, a dairy farm worker from Pembroke, Ontario, faces animal cruelty charges for allegedly beating a cow with a metal ice chopper in February.
An Ontario SPCA officer visited the farm after receiving a call about an injured cow. According to a media release by the SPCA, the officer discovered a distressed cow suffering from a hind leg injury “caused by multiple blows with an ice chopper. The worker claimed he had kicked the cow multiple times in the stomach because the cow had kicked him while being milked.
The SPCA added: “He then struck the cow in the leg multiple times with a large iron ice chopper, causing a visible injury. When the cow kicked out again, he struck the cow in the same place on the leg again, causing further injury.
Thankfully, a vet treated the injured cow. As for the worker, he faces “one count of willfully causing unnecessary pain and suffering to an animal and one count of willfully wounding or injuring an animal.
Abuse like this is all too common at factory farms. Mercy For Animals has conducted over 50 undercover investigations at farms across the United States, Canada, and Mexico, and every single time we’ve uncovered horrific animal cruelty.
In May 2014, an MFA undercover video revealed workers at Chilliwack Cattle Sales—Canada’s largest dairy factory farm—beating, kicking, and punching animals; using chains and tractors to hoist cows into the air; poking and squeezing festering wounds; and punching bulls in the testicles.
MFA’s Chilliwack investigation led to animal cruelty charges and convictions against the factory farm and its owner.
While these convictions send a clear message that animal abuse will not be tolerated, the best way to protect farmed animals from horrific abuse is to leave meat, dairy, and eggs off your plate. Get started by clicking here.