Featuring PCRM’s Dr. Neal Barnard and Farm Sanctuary’s Gene Baur, the debate addressed the hard-to-ignore health, environmental, and ethical implications of eating animals.
According to ABC News correspondent and moderator of the debate, John Donovan, this particular discussion sparked an incredible number of online responses, proving to be the forum’s most popular topic.
And “Slate” magazine reports that by the end of the debate, 41 percent of the live audience members had changed their minds, many switching their votes in favor of the argument for veganism.
And it’s easy to see why. Just watch this video documenting the everyday horrors of modern-day factory farms. It really makes you lose your appetite for meat, dairy and eggs.
To watch the full debate, click here. For more information about adopting a delicious and humane vegan diet, visit ChooseVeg.com.