Feeding Dead Animal Bits to Other Animals Not a Good Idea, Admit Ag Scientists


Confirming what animal rights activists long suspected, a U.S. study recently concluded that porcine epidemic diarrhea (PED), the infectious disease that has claimed the lives of over 8 million piglets in the U.S. alone, can indeed be transmitted through animal feed that has been sprayed with dried pig’s blood. In fact, even minute traces of the feed, such as dust, can spread the disease.

It seems common sense that feeding blood from pigs who died from unknown causes to other pigs could have disastrous consequences, but in the livestock industry’s never-ending quest to cut corners and costs, the practice took off.

Thankfully, you can avoid eating animals who have been fed dead animal bits by adopting a healthy and humane plant-based diet. To learn more, go to ChooseVeg.ca.