Foster Farms Caught Yet Again Torturing Animals

On the heels of a shocking MFA undercover investigation showing workers torturing chickens at American Humane Certified Foster Farms, our friends at Compassion Over Killing have completed an eye-opening investigation inside a Foster Farms turkey hatchery. The video broke this morning on CNN and shows workers mutilating animals without painkillers and suffocating helpless baby birds in plastic bags.

Here is the CNN story:

Shockingly, American Humane Association—the same organization that unapologetically gives its “humane stamp of approval to Foster Farms chicken operations, Butterball, and many other notoriously cruel factory farms, is in the process of certifying Foster Farms’ cruel turkey factory farming practices as “humane.

The AHA program, which covers more than 1 billion animals in the U.S., is little more than a rubber stamp for some of the most horrific factory farming practices.

See for yourself in this video narrated by TV legend and former host of The Price is Right Bob Barker:

Please join Bob Barker and MFA in calling on American Humane Association and Foster Farms to put an end to blatant animal abuse and adopt truly meaningful standards to help eliminate some of the worst forms of factory farm cruelty.

And remember, the best way you can help end the needless suffering of farmed animals is simply to stop eating them. Learn more at