A lot of people like to say veganism is trendy right now,
but healthy and compassionate plant-based diets have been around for centuries.
But what exactly is
Simply put, veganism
is a lifestyle that promotes compassion for animals and lessens our impact on
the planet and its inhabitants, including at every meal. This means a 100
percent plant-based diet and not wearing or using any animal products.
The fact is pigs,
cows, chickens, and other farmed animals are just as sensitive and intelligent
as the dogs and cats we love at home. Sadly, the meat industry is allowed
to legally abuse billions of them in ways that
would warrant felony-level animal cruelty charges if the victim were just one
dog or cat.
Just watch our
latest undercover investigation at a Hormel Foods pork supplier where pigs are
mutilated by workers and crammed in tiny, filthy crates.
It’s important to
note that veganism isn’t about perfection or purity; it’s about living our
lives in a way that avoids exploiting or harming animals and takes a stand for
a kinder world.
Most of us want to
create a more compassionate world, so it’s no surprise that more and more
people are ditching animal products. In fact, over the past 10 years, American
meat consumption has declined by 10 percent while consumption of vegan products
has steadily increased.
For lots of people
who take the time to think about where their food comes from, and the horror
and abuse that’s behind all meat, dairy, and eggs, it becomes clear that the
best thing to do is remove our support from this cruel industry. In addition to
the atrocities animals face on factory farms, it’s important to note the detrimental environmental impact of animal agriculture and the negative health effects of animal protein consumption.
Ready to make the
switch? Visit ChooseVeg.com to learn more about transitioning to a
healthy, delicious, and humane vegan diet.