A new article from BBC
Earth argues that despite what many would like to believe, humans aren’t unique.
Indeed, countless researchers have found that there are far more similarities
between humans and other animals than previously thought.
“We once viewed ourselves as the only creatures with
emotions, morality, and culture. But the more we investigate the animal
kingdom, the more we discover that is simply not true. Many scientists are now
convinced that all these traits, once considered the hallmarks of humanity, are
also found in animals.
While the article focuses on other primates like bonobos, numerous
studies have shown that other animals, including farmed animals, are complex
beings with rich emotional lives like us.
Of course, each species of animal has its own unique
qualities, but as the author explains, “When we say humans are unique, we mean
something more than that. Throughout history humans have created a seemingly
impenetrable barrier between us and other animals.
It’s this barrier that allows many people to turn a blind
eye to animal suffering, judging it less important than human suffering. Nowhere
is this disregard more apparent than in our relationship with farmed animals.
On modern farms, animals are treated as mere meat-producing
machines, and their short lives are filled with misery and deprivation:
In the ways that matter most, humans and other animals are alike.
We all have the capacity to feel joy and suffering, and we all want to live our
lives in peace.
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