Meatless Millennials

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According to a recent report by The Tennessean, the current young adult generation seems to be paving the way to a more compassionate future.

Saritha Prabhu, author of the article and mother of a vegan college-aged son, posits that millennials are actually leading the vegetarian and vegan movement, in some cases inspiring their older peers and relatives to make the transition as well.

This marks a fundamental shift in the public mindset toward a more empathetic and compassionate way of life. As Prabhu optimistically concludes, “something heartening is happening: Millennials, many of whom care about animal rights and the environment, are making different food choices. And they, who are generally seen as social media-obsessed narcissists, are showing older generations the way in this area.”

It’s inspiring to see the plant-based movement gaining such momentum from those who have years ahead of them to stop animal suffering. Interested in getting in on the veg movement? Check out, which has plenty of tips, tricks, and meal ideas to get you started on a meatless diet.