13 Reality Stars Unite for Mercy For Animals’ Hopeful Giving Tuesday PSA

The reality of factory farming is more scandalous than any reality show! 

On Giving Tuesday, Mercy For Animals released an inspiring PSA featuring 13 compassionate reality stars who reveal the truth about animal agriculture. The video encourages viewers to give hope to animals, people, and the planet by supporting Mercy For Animals’ work to build a more just, sustainable food system for all.

The PSA features appearances by Mercy For Animals supporters and reality stars: 

These 13 TV stars send a message of hope throughout the PSA, telling the world that everyone can take positive action to fight climate change and animal suffering. The video received over 165,000 views across social media and helped raise over $700,000 for farmed animals on Giving Tuesday! We are so grateful to everyone who supported our meaningful work.

Didn’t get a chance to donate on Giving Tuesday but want to support our work to create a world where animals are respected, protected, and free? You can make twice the impact for farmed animals with a donation right now, which will be doubled until midnight on December 31, up to a total of $1 million! Give hope today.