According to,
scientists are working to genetically engineer cows resistant to the effects of
climate change.
A startup called Climate Adaptive Genetics has
begun altering DNA to lighten hair color and improve cows’ ability to shed
their coats in hopes of engineering a cow who can stay cool on a warming planet.
The article acknowledges the serious impact of raising cows
for meat on climate change and explains how climate change in turn affects cows:
“[C]attle breeds like Angus, a staple in the United States aren’t particularly
tolerant to heat.
This isn’t the only story of bizarre genetic manipulation:
last month Modern Farmer
highlighted a story out of South Australia, where a farm is selectively
breeding for pigs who have more ribs.
Adopting a humane vegan diet is the best thing we can do to
protect both animals from extreme suffering on factory farms and the planet
from climate change, resource depletion, and loss of biodiversity.
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