According to City A.M., research by Barclays reveals that those born between 1995 and 2005 (Generation Z) are way more into plant-based foods than previous generations, even millennials.
Yes, you read that right. Researchers find that Gen Z is
buying loads of kale, tofu, avocados, quinoa, and dairy-free milk. How much
more? They purchase 80 percent more kale, 57 percent more tofu, and a whopping
266 percent more avocados! And Generation Z consumes 550 percent more
plant-based milk than Generation X.
As members of this generation grow older and start their
careers and families, we can expect to really see a boom.
While significant, this increase is an extension of the
consistent growth in veganism, especially over the past decade or so as millennials—the
world’s largest generation—purchase their own food.
Earlier this year NBC reported that Google searches for “vegan” increased by 33
percent from 2015 to 2016. This is even higher than the increase from 2014 to 2015.
Additionally, the research firm Global Data reports that veganism
in America has increased by 600 percent since 2014.
What’s more, the market research company Mintel recently
found that the number of vegan
products in Australia had increased by 92 percent since 2014, and Lux
Research expects plant-based proteins to make up a third of the global protein market by 2054.
This shift away from animal products is great news for the countless
animals who suffer horribly at factory farms. Cows, pigs, and chickens raised
and killed for food are just as smart and sensitive as the dogs and cats we
adore at home. But at factory farms, animals are subjected to unimaginable cruelties:
extreme confinement, brutal mutilations, and violent deaths.
See for yourself.
Join the millions who are taking a stand for animals, the environment, and their own health by switching to a vegan diet. Click here to get started.