In an interview with the Los Angeles Times, actress Jenna Dewan describes her journey to veganism and her love of animals.
The actress who plays Lucy Lane, Lois Lane’s sister, in CBS’s Supergirl said veganism is not only great for one’s personal health and the environment, but also reduces animal suffering.
Jenna describes the moment she went vegan:
I was a latchkey kid and when I was 10 or 11 I saw a [TV] program on slaughterhouses. I just remember being blown away, utterly traumatized. And I declared the next day that I was never eating meat again. And I didn’t — it started then.
Jenna says everybody is on a journey, and while some decide to go vegan, it’s important to remember that even cutting meat from one meal a week “improves the world.
Jenna shared with the Times what she regularly eats:
Lots of tahini, tabbouleh, lots of salads, a lot of hummus — I think my daughter must eat her weight in hummus — lots of avocado. We love Mediterranean and Mexican food. And we’re a big fresh-vegetable family. I choose whole, real foods. And when I cheat, it’s chips and salsa — I generally don’t want to cheat with animals. I want to cheat with French fries.
“There aren’t many things in life that let you affect the world so profoundly with just one decision, says Jenna. She couldn’t be more right!
By going vegan you can directly help your health, fight climate change, and save animals from a life of misery.
You can join Jenna and the millions of others who have made the decision to ditch animal products for a healthy and compassionate vegan lifestyle.
Click here to order your FREE Vegetarian Starter Guide.