Category: Uncategorized

10 Ways You Can Deck the Halls with Kindness This Holiday Season

Mercy For Animals helps you celebrate the holidays compassionately while supporting our mission....

How One Water Buffalo Found Freedom After Escaping Slaughter and Being Shot by Police

How one brave water buffalo escaped slaughter, was shot by police, and then found freedom for himself and his friends at Iowa Farm Sanctuary....

Five Ways You Can Give Hope to Animals Before the Year Ends

Hope for a kinder world exists because of your dedication. Your support drives the real, lasting change we’re creating for farmed animals....

Breaking: 40 Canadian Food Companies Ranked on Their Animal Welfare Performance

The 2024 Canada Animal Welfare Scorecard is here! Find out which companies are leading the way and which are falling behind....

New Investigation: Mother Pig Screams and Convulses After Being Repeatedly Shot

Horrific new undercover footage from Mercy For Animals reveals a pig repeatedly shot in the head with a defective captive-bolt gun....

12 Jaw-Dropping Protests Around the World That Ignited Change for Animals

Discover the incredible impact Mercy For Animals has made over the past 25 years through protests, inspiring positive change for animals worldwide!...

Pregnant Fish Stomped On and Slammed Against Tanks at “Sustainable” Fish Farm

Fish are among the most exploited animals. A recent alarming discovery brings to light the brutal killing of fish at a “sustainable” farm....

Does U.S. Beef Come from Illegal Cattle Buying That Destroys the Amazon?

In Rondonia, Brazil, two beef slaughterhouses were found guilty of illegally buying cattle from a protected area in the Brazilian Amazon....

My Experience Tabling at the Brooklyn Black VegFest

As a passionate animal activist and Mercy For Animals volunteer, I was thrilled when my good friend invited me to table at Black VegFest....

The Secret Suffering of Baby Pigs: An Inside Look at the Meat Industry

Pigs in the meat industry endure misery from the moment they’re born. Take action and urge lawmakers to protect them now!...