The Count Your Chickens Report is an annual publication ranking major food companies on their efforts to publish progress and roadmaps toward fulfilling their chicken welfare commitments.

Find out if your favorite food companies are following through on their chicken welfare commitments or breaking promises.

The Horrific Reality for Billions of Birds
In the United States, most chickens raised for meat endure appalling suffering caused by inhumane breeding practices, cramped living conditions, and cruel slaughter methods.
Many suffer organ failure, such as heart attacks, and cannot stand or walk. These birds are just babies when they face terrifying, gruesome deaths through live-shackle slaughter.

Companies Promised to Do Better
Hundreds of major food companies promised to end some of the worst chicken cruelty in their operations by meeting meaningful animal welfare standards between 2024 and 2026.
With commitment deadlines fast-approaching, many companies have failed to be transparent about their chicken welfare progress.

Chickens and customers deserve better.
The clock is ticking, and the time for transparency is now.
Demand TransparencyWhich companies are demonstrating transparency?
Which companies are breaking their promise?

December 2023 Update
Since the release of the 2023 Count Your Chickens Report,
several companies, including CAVA, Unilever, and Applegate, have published updates about their chicken welfare goals and progress. Check out this blog post to read about these promising developments.
Grade B
Public policy, some demonstrated progress, and no published roadmap toward policy fulfillment
Grade C
Public policy, little demonstrated progress, and no published roadmap toward policy fulfillment
Grade D
Partial public policy, some demonstrated progress, and no published roadmap toward policy fulfillment
Grade D-
Public policy, no demonstrated progress, and no published roadmap toward policy fulfillment
Company rankings current as of June 16, 2023.

Corporate Accountability Matters
In the eyes of customers, shareholders, and investors, accountability and transparency are at the core of a company’s integrity.
Food institutions know this, which is why those with environmental, social, and sustainability goals regularly publish progress toward their fulfillment. Unfortunately, some brands are ignoring chicken welfare commitments in their published reporting.
Empty promises don’t help animals—actions do. Companies must be held accountable to their word.
Take Action

Demand Transparency
While some companies have begun disclosing their chicken welfare progress, others are keeping the public in the dark.
Let’s ensure chains like Red Robin and Noodles & Company keep their promises by urging them to publish progress and clear roadmaps toward fulfilling their commitments to animals and customers.