Q – Tell us about yourself and how you became interested in animal issues.
A – As long as I can remember, I’ve loved animals and wanted to help them. One day when I was 18 and going to see friends downtown, I came upon a cat who had been hit by a car in the middle of a four-lane road. I desperately wanted to help the cat but couldn’t. Years later I saw a beautiful Labrador retriever on the side of a country road. I got out to help, but he had died. Those two moments deeply touched my heart and soul. Fast-forward 40 years, and I heard about a woman who faced criminal charges for feeding water to pigs heading to a slaughterhouse on a very hot summer’s day. I decided to go to the trial and was moved by the cause of animals. Later I went to weekly protests at cow, pig, and chicken slaughterhouses. My life was never the same after my first time at the slaughterhouse, and I stopped eating living beings. I joined marches and sang hymns at the slaughterhouse gates. “We Shall Overcome,” the great spiritual hymn, became my anthem each week. I asked others to sing, and I prayed for the animals when I looked into their eyes through the ventilation holes of the transport trucks. Seeing the cows, pigs, and chickens in the trucks moved my soul to want to do everything I could to stop this unspeakable cruelty.