Scientists Confirm Pigs Feel Empathy

Scientists at Wageningen University in the Netherlands have discovered what many of us already knew: farmed animals feel empathy for their peers, a trait once thought exclusive to humans.

These researchers discovered that “pigs shared the stress and happiness of their pen mates, according to the Daily Mail.

The article explains that the “findings suggest that swine respond to each other’s feelings, and add “weight to the argument that the practice of separating the animals in farms is especially cruel.

Pigs are as intelligent and friendly as the dogs and cats we all know and love. Despite this, billions of pigs are kept in cruel factory farms, where they are subjected to extreme confinement, mutilations without painkillers, and a ruthless slaughter.

MFA’s powerful new video shows you in under a minute the life of a pig born on a factory farm. Take a look:

The best thing consumers can do to protect pigs and other farmed animals is simply to stop eating them.

For tips on transitioning to a vegetarian diet, click here.

Photo: Auke Jon Bierma