Speak up for animals in transport.
The Industrial Agriculture Accountability Act (IAA) seeks to address some of the cruelest practices in the meat industry, including exposure to extreme temperatures in transport.
If passed, this bill could reduce suffering for countless farmed animals. Please urge your members of Congress to support the IAA.
Count me in! I’ll do my part for animals by contacting my members of Congress today.
Support the Industrial Agriculture Accountability Act
As your constituent, I respectfully request that you co-sponsor the Industrial Agriculture Accountability Act.
This legislation addresses a wide range of inexcusable exploitative and cruel practices in our food system and the need for effective federal oversight.
I am disheartened to know that my tax dollars foot the bill for extreme animal cruelty and exploitation.
Thank you for considering my request.
Roughly every five years, Congress reauthorizes the Farm Bill, federal legislation used to set agricultural policy.
The IAA is a “marker bill,” or legislation that will be considered for amending the Farm Bill.
Please join Mercy For Animals and the ASPCA in promoting the IAA.