Ultimate Winnipeg All-Vegan Burger Restaurant Arrives in Ontario!

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“Boon,” the word for bean in Dutch and Afrikaans, in English describes something bringing blessings or benefits, or to be thankful for. And with Boon Burger, a 100 percent vegan burger restaurant with two locations in Winnipeg and a third that opened earlier this month in Barrie, Ontario, we certainly do have something to be thankful for!

Established in 2010, Boon Burger was the first all-vegan burger restaurant in Canada. Initially offering nine different burgers, Boon now offers 14 delicious vegan burgers with a creative, world cuisine-inspired combination of toppings, most of them local, organic, or fair trade.


The bombay talkie burger creates exotic flavours by incorporating sweet tangy bombay sauce with roasted yam, while adding a more “conventional” taste with smoky “bacun” and vegan cheddar. The thanksgiving burger allows diners to experience fall harvest meals year-round with its cranberry sauce, glazed yam, and gravy over a grilled potato-crusted “turkey” patty. 

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Thanksgiving Burger: Grilled potato-crusted “turkey” patty, cranberry sauce & gravy

While the delicious yet healthy and affordable burgers are filling, those with a larger appetite can add oven baked sesame-potato fries, soups, or healthy salads.


Delicious coconut milk-based shakes with flavours that change daily are a tasty complement to any meal.  And no one should leave without tasting Boon’s unique take on the banana split — a sumptuous combination of bananas, coconut milk ice cream, berry sauce, pineapple, and dark chocolate sauce.

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Banana Split 

Whether in Winnipeg or Barrie, don’t miss the extraordinary culinary experience of Boon Burger. As proudly announced on its menu board, you’ll be “making a better choice for your overall health, the environment, as well as eliminating animal suffering.”


Boon Burger is a great place to get a taste of vegan dining. If you’re ready to jump in and move toward a plant-based diet, visit ChooseVeg.ca for delicious cruelty-free recipes and tips on transitioning.


Written by:  Twyla Francois