Brave Cow Jumps off Export Ship to Save His Own Life

Mashable reports that a cow trying to escape his inevitable fate jumped off a live export ship in Western Australia.

According to the “rescue team, “The animal made its way to shore before running on land into the Fremantle town centre, where rangers and other agencies took over the recovery operation.


After managing to flee authorities for 24 hours, the cow was eventually found.

This isn’t the first time an animal has gone to great lengths to avoid being killed. Earlier this year, a cow named Freddy ran away from a New York slaughterhouse. Just last month, a lamb tried to escape a Chicago slaughterhouse, but after running through busy streets was caught and killed.

Like the dogs and cats we know and love, pigs, cows, chickens, and other farmed animals are sensitive and intelligent, and they will fight for their lives.

If this story touches you but you’re still consuming animal products, it’s time you aligned your food choices with your values. Choose compassion and leave cows and all other animals off your plate.

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