Great news for ducks and geese comes out of Brazil this
week, where Sao Paulo, the largest city in Brazil, has banned the production
and sale of foie gras.
Foie gras is French
for “fatty liver and the so-called delicacy is produced by violently shoving a
metal pipe down ducks’ throats and force-feeding them three times a day—a
practice so cruel it has been banned in more than a dozen countries, including
Argentina, Israel, Germany, Italy, and Switzerland.
Laercio Benko, city councilor and author of the law, explains
in a recent BBC News
piece, “It does not benefit human health and to make it, the birds are
submitted to a lot of suffering.
In 2013, an MFA undercover
investigation at Hudson Valley Foie Gras, an Amazon foie gras supplier, revealed
the systematic and intentional torture of ducks.
Hidden-camera footage shows workers callously grabbing and
tossing ducks by their fragile wings into transport cages and birds with open,
bleeding wounds left to suffer in tiny wire cages without proper veterinary
Ducks who are confined, cruelly force-fed, and violently
slaughtered for foie gras are treated as mere production units. As our
investigation reveals, their short lives are filled with terror and pain.
You can take a stand for birds tortured for foie gras by
telling Amazon, the world’s largest online retailer, to stop selling it. Sign
our petition today: