At the beginning of 2024, Mercy For Animals released shocking hidden-camera footage captured at a Chipotle chicken supplier. Chipotle pledged seven years ago to ban birds bred for unnatural growth and live-shackle slaughter from their supply chain by 2024. But our brave undercover investigator’s footage exposes the company’s utter failure to keep their word. Despite the investigation and the public outcry it sparked, Chipotle has still not published a plan for fulfilling their chicken welfare promises.
Spreading the Word
Since the harrowing footage became public, thousands of people across the country have spoken up for the chickens whose legs were torn off and the birds whose throats were slashed while the animals were conscious.
Dedicated volunteers in multiple U.S. cities have held demonstrations and educated the public about the truth behind Chipotle’s chicken.

To amplify supporter voices, we ran ads in the Orange County Register’s digital publication, reaching thousands of people near Chipotle’s headquarters.

Our campaign message was plastered all over Portland, Oregon, and displayed on over20 digital billboards throughout Houston, Texas. Residents of major U.S. cities, including New York, Chicago, and Boston, even received postcards in their mailboxes educating them about Chipotle’s chicken welfare failure.

We Must Raise Our Voices Even Further
Chipotle continues to mislead the public with their recently published sustainability report. Despite our investigative findings, Chipotle writes that all animals in their supply chain have been “treated humanely from birth to slaughter.” We must call Chipotle out for their ongoing humanewashing.
Chipotle vowed to implement meaningful chicken welfare standards by 2024. Let’s make sure they hear us clearly: We won’t stand for empty promises.
Send an email to Scott Boatwright, Chipotle’s interim CEO, urging Chipotle to publish a roadmap for fulfilling all the components of their chicken welfare commitment.