A recent article in The Wall Street Journal highlights the increasing concerns over the use of antibiotics
to promote quicker growth in livestock using less food. According to the U.S.
government, “The amount of antibiotics sold for
use in cows, chickens and other animals raised for food increased 16% between
2009 and 2012. A major concern is that as the use of these antibiotics
increases, bacteria become more resistant, leading to an increase in
drug-resistant infections for people consuming animals.
The article explains that the
White House has announced a plan “to preserve the effectiveness of existing
antibiotics and to speed the discovery of new drugs to combat this serious
threat to public health. A new task force will be responsible for
developing a national strategy by February.
The Food and Drug
Administration is also developing a voluntary plan to reduce the use of antibiotics for growth and is asking farmers to have a prescription before
using antibiotics to combat disease. However, as the FDA’s plan is completely
voluntary, it lacks real power.
With the rise in antibiotic-resistant
superbugs, there’s never been a better time to ditch antibiotic-laden animal
products in favor of plant-based alternatives.