After viewing undercover video footage from factory farms
and slaughterhouses, most people begin to question the laws designed to protect
animals raised for meat.

Unfortunately, not a single federal law provides protection
to animals during their lives on factory farms, and the law that’s supposed to
protect animals at the slaughterhouse, the Humane Methods of Slaughter Act,
only extends to cows and pigs, leaving chickens with virtually no protection
from abuse.

As a new piece by Vox explains,
“The US government has never really enforced these humane slaughter standards.
There are inspectors, and they make note when they see horrifying cases of
animal cruelty, but FSIS (Food Safety and Inspection Service) rarely issues
more than a slap on the wrist to even egregious offenders.

Because of this, a coalition of animal protection
organizations, including Mercy For Animals, has filed a petition to FSIS demanding
better regulations and enforcement regarding animal slaughter and highlighting
the current lack of accountability.

According to the article, “In a number of cases, FSIS issued
slaps on the wrist (like ‘noncompliance records’ and ‘notices of intended
enforcement’) even after documenting that animals endured minutes-long, painful

And this was after auditors had announced their upcoming
visits, meaning that these instances of abuse occurred when plant operators
were on their “best behavior.

As evidenced by the multitude of undercover videos exposing
egregious cruelty, animal abuse runs rampant on modern farms. Luckily, we can all
take a stand for animals subjected to cruel factory farm conditions by ditching
animal products in favor of healthy, humane alternatives.
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