Maker of Hit Tesco Vegan Steak Increases Production and Announces European Expansion

A few weeks ago, U.K. grocer Tesco rolled out a groundbreaking vegan steak made by plant-based company Vivera. Within just one week, the steak nearly sold out at 40,000 units.

According to Plant Based News, Vivera has increased production of the hit item and plans to roll out its vegan steak at Dutch and Belgian retailers Albert Heijn, JUMBO Supermarkten, and Carrefour on June 11.

According to Gert Jan Gobert, a spokesperson with the company:
The smell, taste and bite can hardly be distinguished from real steak and we are convinced that this product will meet a large need of consumers. It is very important that we eat less meat, both for our own health, animal welfare and for our planet. Innovative and high-quality plant-based products can make a significant contribution here.
Vivera, which has been developing vegan and vegetarian meat replacements since 1990, sells more than 40 different high-quality vegan products already available in 23 European countries and about 25,000 supermarkets.

This is not just great for the environment and human health; more plant-based alternatives mean more animals spared a lifetime of suffering at factory farms.

While many European countries have some of the world’s strictest animal welfare laws, undercover investigations by numerous groups prove that animal cruelty still runs rampant at farms in Europe. Recently, animal rights group Animal Equality exposed horrific abuse at one of Britain’s largest pork producers. The footage reveals workers repeatedly kicking pigs in the face, beating them with plastic boards, and leaving a downed pig too sick to stand without veterinary care for 48 hours before shooting the poor animal.

See for yourself.

Each of us has the power to say no to animal abuse by replacing inherently cruel animal products with compassionate vegan alternatives. With more plant-based options than ever before, there has truly never been a better time to ditch animal products. Click here to get started. And check out our Pinterest page for thousands of recipe ideas.