From the creative mind of Mark Middleton of comes a new interactive map, locating factory farm facilities that various animal protection groups, including MFA, have exposed through undercover investigations. The map also highlights states that have proposed “Ag-Gag” laws to keep cruelty to farmed animals hidden from public view by outlawing on-the-farm photography or video recording, and the current status of such proposed laws.
With links to the investigative videos themselves, including MFA’s latest investigation at E6 Cattle Company in Texas, Middleton points out that the sheer number and distribution of cruelty investigations reveal “a pattern of disregard for animal welfare and routine cruelty-to-animals throughout animal agriculture.” has created a whole series of informative graphs, eye-opening animated graphics, and visual aids, too – one displaying the rate of cow, pig, and chicken slaughter in the United States, and another giving a virtual view through the eyes of a hen crammed inside a battery cage – to “empower animal advocates, educate the public, and expose the injustices of animal exploitation.”
Please check out and help spread these compelling visuals through Facebook, Twitter and other social media outlets.
With links to the investigative videos themselves, including MFA’s latest investigation at E6 Cattle Company in Texas, Middleton points out that the sheer number and distribution of cruelty investigations reveal “a pattern of disregard for animal welfare and routine cruelty-to-animals throughout animal agriculture.” has created a whole series of informative graphs, eye-opening animated graphics, and visual aids, too – one displaying the rate of cow, pig, and chicken slaughter in the United States, and another giving a virtual view through the eyes of a hen crammed inside a battery cage – to “empower animal advocates, educate the public, and expose the injustices of animal exploitation.”
Please check out and help spread these compelling visuals through Facebook, Twitter and other social media outlets.