Here’s Why Millions of People Don’t Eat Lamb Anymore

We all know the children’s song “Mary Had a Little Lamb,” but did you ever seriously think about just how messed up eating lamb is? Let us fill you in.

The USDA reported that around 2.2 million lambs were killed for meat in 2015. Like cows, pigs, and chickens, lambs are raised in filthy factory farms, subjected to cruel mutilations, and horrifically slaughtered.

Lambs are usually “tail docked just a few weeks after birth. Farmers claim this is to reduce buildup of fecal matter around the animals’ backsides. But this cruel and painful mutilation is performed without anesthetics and often leads to infection, chronic pain, and rectal prolapse.

Typically slaughtered around six to eight months of age, lambs live a mere fraction of their natural lifespan. Mother sheep are deeply caring and form strong bonds with their babies. In fact, they can recognize their lambs who have wandered too far away by their calls. Sadly, this bond is broken at factory farms where lambs are ripped away from their mothers just a few days after birth.

Lambs are not only sweet and gentle but also highly intelligent. They are capable of problem solving and considered to have IQs that rival those of cows. They also have great memories. Lambs can remember at least 50 individual sheep for years! Through highly developed communication skills, lambs use various vocalizations to communicate different emotions. They can even display emotion through facial expressions.

How can anyone claim to love these gentle animals while still eating them?

People who are opposed to animal cruelty often cling to the idea that eating meat is necessary. But the science is clear: We’re more than capable of living happy, healthy lives without eating meat or other animal products.

It’s time to put our ethics on the table and stop eating lambs and all other animals. We can live our values of kindness by switching to a vegan diet.

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