Members of Congress Send Letter Urging Investigation into Costco Cruelty

U.S. Reps. Haley Stevens of Michigan and Veronica Escobar of Texas have sent a letter to the Federal Trade Commission urging the agency to “investigate Costco’s advertising and consumer deception.”

The U.S. Federal Trade Commission is the agency that enforces consumer-protection laws that prevent fraud, deception, and unfair business practices. The letter expresses hope that Costco will “swiftly adopt guidelines that mirror the ethical, moral, and humane treatment of chickens that they promote.”

Here is an excerpt from Representatives Stevens and Escobar’s letter:

More than 200 food companies in North America have already adopted humane guidelines, such as those outlined in the Better Chicken Commitment, that address the worst suffering for chickens. Costco has not. For this reason, Costco’s claim that it is “committed to maintaining the highest standards of animal welfare” is deceptive to stakeholders.

The letter draws attention to the recent Mercy For Animals investigation into a Costco chicken supplier, which revealed tens of thousands of chickens crammed into dark sheds. These birds are bred to grow so large so fast that many cannot support their weight.

The cruelty captured in the footage stands in stark contrast to Costco’s claim that “animal welfare is a critical component that has been integrated into all aspects of the chicken supply chain, from the hatchery to the grower barns to the processing facility.”

Click here to read the full letter.

Since New York Times columnist Nicholas Kristof broke the news of the Mercy For Animals investigation, tens of thousands of people have signed a petition asking Costco to ban some of the worst cruelty in its supply chain.

Costco has the power and responsibility to end these horrific practices. And they care about what customers think, so it’s critical that they hear from you today.

Sign the petition at, and head to Costco’s Instagram page to leave a comment asking them to do better for chickens.