MFA Canada Confronts Saputo for Failing to Address Animal Cruelty

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This week, Mercy For Animals Canada made nationwide headlines for confronting Saputo the country’s largest dairy company for failing to lead dairy industry animal welfare reform. Krista Osborne, executive director of MFA Canada, used the question period of Saputo’s annual shareholders meeting on Tuesday to ask Saputo’s CEO why the company had not kept its promise to work aggressively to prevent animal cruelty.

Last month, an undercover investigation by MFA Canada at Chilliwack Cattle Sales, a supplier to Saputo, exposed egregious cruelty to animals, including workers kicking, beating, dragging, and punching cows. Following the investigation, Saputo released a statement announcing it would be “strongly advocating for the implementation of strict animal welfare standards into BC law.” Unfortunately, despite repeated requests, Lino Saputo has refused to even meet with MFA Canada to discuss and outline the steps his company is actually taking to address the abuse and neglect of cows by his company’s milk suppliers.

“Lino, you said you’d do all in your power to reform the dairy industry in Canada. Would you spend an hour with me discussing the kind of reforms you’re making? We have no evidence of reforms taking place,” said Osborne during Saputo’s shareholders meeting. Lino Saputo finally agreed to meet with MFA Canada and stated that his company would use its “power and clout” to encourage others to initiate the changes.

Saputo has the power and the ethical responsibility to help end some of the worst forms of animal cruelty in the dairy industry.

Please sign and share the petition urging Saputo to implement meaningful animal welfare policy reforms.

It’s important for Saputo to take action to lessen the suffering of animals used in the dairy industry; however, each of us also has the power to withdraw our support from this cruel and exploitative industry by ditching dairy and going vegan. Visit to learn how.