Veggie Bite, generously donated the delicious fare.
Chicago’s Wrigley Field, home of the Cubs, is famous for its ballpark franks. But this past Sunday all the buzz from the hungry fans centered around MFA’s free vegan burger give-away. Over 600 lucky Cubs fans enjoyed a mouthwatering veggie burger and samples of other delicious vegan meat alternatives, including hot dogs and cheeseburgers. The always-vegan-haven restaurant,
Not only did ball game fans and passersby have the opportunity to try out compassionate versions of their favorite food classics, but they also learned more about vegetarian options within Wrigley Field. Our enthusiastic leafleters gave away 750 Why Vegetarians? booklets and numerous Vegetarian Starter Kits and Vegetarian Guides to Chicago.
Vegan feed-ins are positive and fun outreach events that showcase how easy and delicious a plant-based diet can be.