In a recent guest post on The
Huffington Post, Moby highlights the serious environmental consequences
of a meat-centered diet.
Moby shares a passionate call to action, and attempts to
clear this issue from its partisan politics. He explains, “But even though I’m
a vegan for ethical reasons, I
don’t want to write about the animal ethics of animal agriculture. I want to
write about the ways in which animal agriculture is killing us and ruining our
And he not only addresses the serious environmental repercussions of
animal agriculture, but the toll it takes on people in less developed nations
where food scarcity and insecurity are serious, daily issues: “Globally, we
don’t have a famine problem; we have a livestock problem. Feeding food to
animals and then eating the animals is kind of like heating your house during
the winter by burning wood outside.
In a stirring conclusion he declares:
We’ve done hard things in the past.
We’ve ended slavery. We’ve given everyone the right to vote. We’ve passed legislation
prohibiting children from working in factories. We’re even moving towards a
time when cigarette smoking will be seen as a foul, distant memory. We can do
this. We have to. Our reliance on animal agriculture is literally killing us
and ruining our climate and our planet.
We can all help save precious, limited resources, and
protect animals (and people) by moving toward a plant-based lifestyle. For more
information, check out