According to Plant Based News, the nonprofit think tank
Sentience Institute in collaboration with Ipsos Group recently conducted a poll
that questioned more than 1,000 U.S. adults to assess common attitudes toward
factory farming and vegan food.
Of those questioned, 47 percent support a ban on
slaughterhouses, while 49 percent agree with the statement, “I support a
ban on the factory farming of animals. Additionally, 33 percent support a ban
on all farming involving animals, 70 percent “have some discomfort with the way
animals are used in the food industry, and 69 percent believe that “factory
farming of animals is one of the most important social issues in the world
While these results indicate a shift in the way Americans
see farmed animals and factory farming, nearly three-quarters of those
questioned said they usually bought “humane animal products. This is troubling
considering that 99 percent of all animal products come from factory
farms and that there is truly no such thing as humane
Despite this discrepancy, the poll highlights the growing
disdain for factory farming as more people become aware of its inherent animal
cruelty. It also supports the many studies that indicate a rise in veganism. Earlier
this year, for instance, a study commissioned by the Plant Based Foods
Association and The Good Food Institute revealed that the plant-based foods market topped $3.1 billion in sales.
And the research firm Global Data reports that veganism in America has increased by 600 percent since 2014.
What’s more, the market research company Mintel recently
found that the number of vegan products in Australia had increased by 92 percent since
2014, and Lux Research expects plant-based proteins to make up a third of the global protein market by 2054.
This is, of course, great news for the countless animals who
suffer horribly at factory farms. Despite being just as smart and sensitive as
the dogs and cats we love at home, animals raised and killed for food are
subjected to unspeakable cruelties, from painful mutilations and restrictive
confinement to violent handling and gruesome deaths.
Join the millions who are taking a stand for animals, the environment, and their own health by choosing to go vegan.
Click here to get started.