A recent study in Nature has proved that tail mutilation causes
piglets to suffer from neuropathic pain. Shockingly, until now there’s been
almost no research into the effects of this cruel but standard factory farming
After studying the
outcomes of tail amputations on 108 pigs, scientists found that the procedure caused
both acute and chronic neuropathic pain. This type of pain results from tissue
injury by which nerves are damaged or made dysfunctional. Symptoms include
hypersensitivity and pain ranging from itching and tingling to stabbing and

The study concludes:
Tail amputation in pigs appears to evoke acute and sustained changes in peripheral mechanical sensitivity, which resemble features of neuropathic pain reported in humans and other species and provides new information on implications for the welfare of animals subjected to this type of injury.
The welfare
implications are heightened by an important distinction: In the study, the
procedure was conducted under surgical conditions with proper instruments by
trained technicians. The pigs received sedatives, anesthesia, postoperative
wound care, and medical attention by veterinarians as they recovered in clean, private
pens. This is not what happens to pigs raised for meat. At both pork and dairy
farms, cruel tail mutilations are conducted without painkillers, and farmers often
use dull clippers to cut through sensitive skin, nerves, and bone.

A recent Mercy For Animals
undercover investigation revealed horrific conditions and practices at a Hormel
supplier, including
mutilating piglets without pain relief and leaving sick and injured pigs to
suffer without veterinary care.
Sadly, barbaric mutilations
are common at factory farms. Chickens have the tips of their beaks sliced off with a hot blade; cows are dehorned by having their horns burned or sawed off; piglets are roughly castrated shortly after birth, and their incisor teeth are painfully ripped out. These
cruel acts are all performed without anesthesia. Because of the filthy
conditions, they often result in infection.
These mutilations
are only part of the problem. Cows, pigs, and chickens raised and killed for
food are subjected to a host of cruelties: extreme confinement; constant abuse;
and bloody, violent deaths.
Fortunately, you can
fight this blatant cruelty by boycotting the meat, dairy, and egg industries
and switching to a compassionate vegan diet. Click here to get started.