Reuters: Use of Antibiotics on Poultry Farms Poses Risk to Human Health

A new Reuters investigation exposes the serious abuse of antibiotics on modern farms, and the risks posed to human health, including the emergence of antibiotic-resistant superbugs.

According to the feature, “Internal records examined by Reuters reveal that some of the nation’s largest poultry producers routinely feed chickens an array of antibiotics – not just when sickness strikes, but as a standard practice over most of the birds’ lives.

“In every instance of antibiotic use identified by Reuters, the doses were at the low levels that scientists say are especially conducive to the growth of so-called superbugs, bacteria that gain resistance to conventional medicines used to treat people. Some of the antibiotics belong to categories considered medically important to humans, Reuters continues.

With 80 percent of antibiotics in the United States administered to farmed animals, the risks posed to human health cannot be overstated. And according to the World Health Organization, this is “a problem so serious it threatens the achievements of modern medicine.

It’s time to withdraw our support of an industry that puts us all at risk. For more information about transitioning away from animal foods, as well as delicious recipes and meal ideas, visit

(photo: REUTERS/Max Whittaker)