Steers Run From Slaughterhouse, Sanctuary Comes to Their Aid

Last week, six steers bolted through St. Louis in a desperate attempt to save their lives. After escaping from a neighborhood slaughterhouse, the steers dodged police and animal control officers for more than five hours, the St. Louis Post-Dispatch reports.

Trucked in from Illinois, the steers arrived at Star Packing Company in St. Louis, Missouri, to be housed for a day before being sent to another slaughter facility. Luckily, a handler left the trailer unlatched, giving them a chance at freedom.

Police and animal control officers eventually recaptured the animals late Thursday evening. While the steers awaited their fate, various groups worked to send them to a sanctuary.

For these six, the dash for freedom paid off. The Gentle Barn animal sanctuary will take care of them, including one dubbed Chico. They will be able to live the rest of their lives in peace. Jay Weiner, founder of The Gentle Barn, flew to St. Louis to oversee the transfer of the steers, stating that they were penned together and clearly frightened, breathing deeply and backed into a corner.

Stories like this are not uncommon. Like Chico and his five friends, all animals will struggle to save their lives. While these six found sanctuary, billions of other animals are not so lucky.

The best thing you can do to help animals like these is to leave them off your plate. Click here to get your free Vegetarian Starter Guide today.

Photo by David Carson, [email protected]