a lifetime of misery. While individual vegetarians save lives every time they sit down to eat, we can exponentially increase the number of animals we help by encouraging others to try vegetarian living too.
For every person who adopts a vegetarian lifestyle, more than 50 animals per year are spared
That’s the philosophy and the inspiration behind MFA’s powerful new “Ask Me Why I’m Vegetarian” T-Shirt Challenge – designed to spark crucial discussions about the ways animals raised for food are treated and our moral obligation to alleviate needless suffering.
Printed on American Apparel, these cute, fun and lighthearted T’s feature a lovable cow with the phrase “Ask Me Why I’m Vegetarian” and the MFA logo on the back. Combined with MFA’s colorful new 25 Reasons to Try Vegetarian brochures, animal advocates now have the tools to start saving countless lives.
Here’s how it works:
2. Order a packet of 25 Reasons to Try Vegetarian brochures.3. Wear your new “Ask Me Why I’m Vegetarian” t-shirt with pride.4. When someone asks about your shirt, smile and give them a 25 Reasons brochure from the packet you’ve been keeping in your purse or backpack.5. Have a friendly discussion about the reasons you went vegetarian.6. Pat yourself on the back. You’ve just inspired someone to move toward a compassionate diet.7. Wash your shirt.8. Reorder literature.9. Repeat.
That’s it! By starting conversations and planting seeds of compassion, you’ll be helping to spare countless animals unimaginable suffering. Simple. Effective. Vital.
Click here to order an “Ask Me Why I’m Vegetarian” t-shirt for $25. Your tshirt order will include a free 10-pack of 25 Reasons brochures.
Click here to order more 25 Reasons brochures.
Click here for a note about our “vegetarian” terminology usage.