Care for a glass of “almond juice? How about
some “cashew spread? It may sound ridiculous, but that’s what consumers could
be saying if some federal lawmakers get their way.
Last week, Senator Tammy Baldwin of Wisconsin
introduced the “Dairy Pride Act, a bizarre law designed to shield the dairy
industry from plant-based competition. The bill would stop the wide array of dairy
alternatives now available in supermarkets across the country from being called
things like almond “milk, coconut “yogurt, or cashew “cheese. Baldwin claims
that consumers are currently being “misled into choosing these popular vegan
Other lawmakers made a similar demand in a letter to the Food and Drug Administration last month. Unsurprisingly, representatives of major
dairy-producing states are leading these efforts.
What they’re doing is an obvious – and
desperate – strategy to delegitimize the boom in plant-based dairy alternatives. Sales of almond milk alone have more than doubled in the last five years, while dairy sales have shrunk by nearly $1 billion over the same
time. As people learn about the incredible suffering – not to mention pollution and health problems –
that come with eating dairy products, more and more are seeking out alternatives,
not being “misled as Senator Baldwin claims.
The fact is, if it looks like milk, smells
like milk, and tastes like milk, consumers are going to call it milk. Lawmakers
should stop protecting the dairy industry from innovation and let these
industries compete fairly.
You can send an important message to the
dairy industry and their friends in government by dropping dairy from your
diet. Get started by checking out some of our favorite plant-based cheeses at