I loved cheese. I didn’t care what kind or how it was
prepared. But that all changed the day I found out about dairy farming. Here’s
what I learned.
While it may seem obvious, many people don’t realize that
cows must be pregnant or have just given birth to produce milk. To this end,
cows at dairy farms are forcibly impregnated. This procedure is highly
invasive, requiring farmers to stick nearly their entire arms into the cows’
rectums. This is repeated about every 12 months.
After carrying their babies for nine months—just like
humans—mother cows give birth. This is when the real tragedy begins. Within
hours of giving birth, these mothers have their babies ripped away from them.
Why? Because farmers want the milk these cows produce to be sold for profit
rather than fed to calves.
This inherently cruel
practice is performed on every dairy farm.
The forced separation causes many mother cows to bellow for
hours or days, often anxiously pacing or searching for their stolen babies. One
can only imagine the stress and despair a mother must feel not knowing where
her baby is.
In 2013 locals in Newbury, Massachusetts, called the police
because of the crying they heard from a nearby dairy farm. Upon investigation, authorities discovered that the cries had come from
mourning cows whose newborns had been stolen from them.
In addition to inflicting emotional trauma, the cycle of
impregnation, birth, and intensive milking takes a physical toll on these cows. While a cow’s natural lifespan is up to 25 years, cows at dairy factory farms live
only about four years. Once they are considered “spent, they are sent off for
slaughter, their bodies typically used for ground beef.
A 2014 Mercy For
Animals undercover investigation at Andrus Dairy, a supplier to one of the
largest cheese producers in the country, revealed extreme animal abuse and
neglect. Workers were caught on video viciously punching, kicking, and beating
See for yourself.
The cruelty that goes into each and every drop of milk is
why I will never consume dairy again.
Upset by the truth? Boycott this cruel industry by ditching
dairy once and for all. Click here to get started!