adopting a healthy and humane vegan diet doesn’t mean you have to abandon your favorite flavors.

Feed-ins are fun, proactive, and a positive outreach tools that can be used to effectively show the public how delicious vegan food can be. After having a taste of a delicious vegan tidbit, most people are eager to receive a pamphlet detailing the heath, ethical, and environmental benefits of a plant-based diet. Our leafleters handed out thousands of Why Vegetarian? booklets, The Vegetarian Guide to Chicago, and Vegetarian Starter Kits!
Members of Mercy For Animals handed out hundreds of free vegan food samples to passersby on the bustling Michigan Avenue in downtown Chicago last Saturday. A colorful banner invited shoppers and tourists to “Enjoy a Free Vegan Sample” – exposing many of them to their fist taste of the mouthwatering alternatives to meat. The tofurky sandwiches, veg chicken nuggets, BBQ, and veggie hot dogs distributed during the event proved that