Every year, nonprofit organization Veganuary encourages people to choose plant-based foods for January and beyond. For 2020, the group aims to attract more than 350,000 participants around the world. And data suggests that 10 times more people take part in Veganuary than sign up through the website, which means that millions of people could end up participating!
This year, Veganuary is starting off the season by raising money to launch the first-ever vegan advertisement for mainstream U.K. television! Through social media and streaming, the ad could bring the message to countless people around the globe.
Since Veganuary was founded in 2014, more than 500,000 people have participated. In 2019, over 250,000 people from 159 countries took part, a 49 percent increase over 2018. Of those surveyed, 47 percent said they were committed to staying vegan, while 77 percent of those not committed said they were “very likely” to try veganism again.
People who take the Veganuary pledge get support through emails, social media content, and membership in a Facebook group. Veganuary also encourages brands, manufacturers, and retailers to expand their plant-based options. Last year in the U.K., where Veganuary was founded, Pizza Hut introduced a vegan pie featuring jackfruit, Papa John’s offered vegan cheese for the first time, and supermarket giant Sainsbury’s announced they were moving 26 plant-based meat products to their meat section. Even McDonald’s offered a vegan Happy Meal!
Programs like Veganuary are a powerful way to introduce people to plant-based eating. Get started on your New Year’s resolution by taking the pledge, and order a FREE Vegetarian Starter Guide for recipes and tips!