Animal advocates around the globe will honor
Mohandas Gandhi’s birthday on October 2 by celebrating World Farm Animals Day.
It’s a day of bringing to light the horrific conditions suffered by farmed
animals, promoting a compassionate vegan diet, and taking action against cruel
factory farming.
Every 24 hours, more than 23 million animals
are brutally killed for food. An estimated 99 percent of all meat, dairy, and
eggs come from factory farms. In these farms, animals are abused in ways that
would warrant felony-level animal cruelty charges if the
victims were dogs or cats.
Egg-laying hens are crammed
by the thousands into tiny wire cages and each given floor space smaller
than the surface of an iPad to spend nearly their entire lives. Mother pigs are
kept in gestation crates, cages barely larger than
their own bodies, and calves raised for veal are ripped away from their mothers
within hours of being born and chained in barren crates where they are virtually
These animals never see the sun, feel the
grass, or breathe fresh air. Instead they are imprisoned in windowless, filthy
sheds until the day they are loaded onto transport trucks destined for the
slaughterhouse where they will meet a violent, bloody death.
Upset? Fortunately, there’s something
you can do about it!
1. Go
The best way to fight the factory farming
industry is to boycott its products. Simply by leaving animals off your plate
you are taking a strong stance against animal cruelty. Order your FREE Vegetarian
Starter Guide to learn more.
Share undercover videos on social media.
Most people have no idea how terribly factory
farms abuse animals to bring us meat, dairy, and eggs. By sharing undercover
videos on social media you can show friends and family the truth.
Visit our Action Center.
From tips on leafleting to literature
available for order, our Action Center is loaded with resources to help
get your fight against factory farming started.
Making a donation
to Mercy For Animals is certainly a great way to help animals
suffering in factory farms and slaughterhouses.
Become a Hen Hero.
Join our Hen Heroes
team of online activists! Most of our Hen Hero actions take less than 60
seconds but can spare hundreds of thousands of chickens a lifetime of
suffering. Sign up here.
Don’t feel overwhelmed—take action. You have
the power to create a kinder world for farmed animals.
Click here to learn more about a healthy and
compassionate vegan lifestyle.