The meat industry spends millions of dollars in glossy
advertising each year, attempting to entice people into eating animals. What
they don’t show you are the faces of these innocent animals who are needlessly
tortured on factory farms. Have a look:
1. A warmhearted piglet who is terrified.
Piglets on factory farms
have their tails painfully sliced into and yanked off with dull clippers. Males are
painfully castrated. All of this is done without anesthetics.
2. Docile hens who long for freedom.
Egg-laying hens are confined
in cages so small
they’re unable to stretch their wings, move freely, or engage in other basic
3. This calf who is afraid
and misses his mother.
The dairy industry rips baby calves away from their mothers when they’re only a day
old. This calf will be slaughtered for veal, a byproduct of the dairy industry.
4. A gentle sheep who was
beaten before being sold at a livestock auction.
Livestock auctions across
America serve as the way stations between farms and slaughterhouses for millions of animals who are raised and sold for
5. This tortured catfish who
was skinned alive.
Farmers use pliers to pull
the skin off of live fish. Dozens
are crammed into buckets and baskets, gasping for oxygen. They’re often
flailing and struggling, trying to escape the workers’ knives.
6. This pig who doesn’t want
to be beaten anymore.
On factory farms workers
tattoo sows by repeatedly driving sharp
metal spikes into their flesh.
7. A baby duck who just
wanted to live.
Ducks on factory farms suffer
from illness and injuries without proper
veterinary care. Often trapped in or under wire cage flooring, they’re left to
slowly suffer and die.
8. This piglet who could have had a long life
ahead of him.
standard practice in the pork industry to “thump piglets. Thumping is when farmers
slam the pigs headfirst into the ground because they won’t meet a size requirement or are
sick and deemed a waste.
9. A sweet cow tired of
being mercilessly abused.
Cows exploited for dairy are impregnated over and over again to
produce milk. When their milk production slows down, they’re slaughtered for
10. This turkey who just
wanted to walk freely.
On factory farms, turkeys
are bred to grow so large they can’t fly or walk. Many suffer from crippling leg deformities, heart
attacks, and other ailments caused by rapid growth.
While these images are
painful to see, there is hope. As consumers we can choose to support kindness
over cruelty by adopting a compassionate vegan diet. Click here to order your FREE Vegetarian Starter
Guide today.