“Abby the Abused Chicken Tours 70 Cities to Demand Better Treatment for Birds

Last Friday, “Abby the Abused Chicken and Mercy For Animals’ campaigns team wrapped up a national demonstration tour against McDonald’s for the company’s failure to implement meaningful animal welfare requirements for “broiler chickens killed for meat.

Abby and company were on the road for eight weeks protesting in front of McDonald’s restaurants in 40 cities. The tour followed the release of shocking hidden-camera footage that exposed the owners of a former McDonald’s Chicken McNuggets supplier farm stabbing birds with spiked clubs and breaking their necks by standing on their heads and pulling their wings or bodies. The farm owners were recently convicted of criminal animal cruelty.

Abby’s features and injuries, such as a bloody broken wing, slit throat, and open wounds, were born at a Hollywood special effects studio. They paint a gory, real-life picture of a broiler chicken’s brutal butchering at the slaughterhouse and tortured life on a factory farm.

Crammed by the thousands into filthy, windowless sheds, broiler chickens buckle under their own unnatural body weight and chafe and develop boils and sores from the toxic, ammonia-laden flooring. Without proper veterinary care, birds’ wounds fester. Raised to grow too fat too fast, broiler chickens also suffer painful skeletal and muscular deformities and frequently die of organ failure.

Birds who survive are sent to the slaughterhouse where they are dumped, shackled upside down, shocked, and have their throats sliced open all while fully conscious and able to feel pain.

Despite the fact that chickens account for more than 95 percent of the animals killed for food in the U.S., not a single federal law protects these social and smart animals from abuse or neglect during their lives on factory farms. They are also excluded from the federal Humane Methods of Slaughter Act. Without legislation to protect these birds, it’s up to companies to implement significant animal welfare standards.

That’s why Abby and hundreds of caring consumers across the country took to the streets. They protested not only McDonald’s, but also Tyson, Foster Farms, and Gordon Food Service after MFA investigations found sickening cruelty in their supply chains. In total, Abby has visited 70 cities across the country to demand better treatment of birds.

You can help! Add your name to the thousands of others calling for these companies to implement meaningful animal welfare changes. Sign the petitions at:
And remember, the best way to spare chickens and other farmed animals a life of suffering is to cut out or cut back on meat, milk, and eggs. Find delicious vegetarian recipes and tips at ChooseVeg.com.