On the heels of a shocking report revealing that instances of fecal matter
on meat and equipment at slaughterhouses have doubled over the past year, the
Dutch governmental organization in charge of health and food safety is
increasing the fine for unhygienic practices.
According to the report from Dutch news outlet
RTL Nieuws, the number of fines for fecal matter in slaughterhouses has risen
significantly, from 39 in the previous two years to 49 in the past year.
While health officials try to downplay the
number of infractions, RTL believes the real number is much higher because
warnings precede fines. In fact, the NVWA, the governmental organization in
charge of doing random checks, found that one in 11 carcasses contained feces,
up from one in 14 in previous years. “Slaughterhouses have evidently not made
hygiene a priority, Jan Meijer, NVWA chief inspector, told RTL. “They will
have to try harder.
This may come as a surprise, but most meat
contains fecal matter. This issue isn’t unique to the Netherlands. In fact,
shit has been found in slaughterhouses around the world, including in the
United States.
The USDA reported that 90 percent of defects
discovered in chicken carcasses at slaughter plants involved “visible fecal contamination that was missed by company
employees.” Additionally, the USDA estimates that around 25 percent of cut-up chicken meat and about 50 percent of
all ground chicken is contaminated with salmonella.
Furthermore, a 2013 study from Consumer
Reports found that of those analyzed, more than half of packages of raw ground turkey meat and turkey patties tested positive for fecal
bacteria. Similarly, a 2015 analysis from Consumer Reports found
that 458 pounds of store-bought beef tested positive for fecal contamination.
Let that sink in for a minute.
But why is meat covered in shit? Because
factory farms are filthy and crowded with animals who are often sick and
covered in waste.
What’s more, animals raised and killed for
food are subjected to unthinkable cruelties: tiny,
filthy cages; horrific mutilations; and violent slaughter.
To make matters worse, no federal law protects animals during their
lives at factory farms. And the law that’s supposed to protect animals at the slaughterhouse,
the Humane Methods of Slaughter Act, doesn’t extend to birds, leaving them with
virtually no protection from abuse.
Fortunately, you can protect your family and
yourself from meat covered in fecal matter simply by choosing a healthy and
compassionate vegan diet.