New York Times is highlighting a study of the antibiotic-resistant
bacteria that is hitching a ride on hog farm employees in North Carolina,
raising concerns for public health officials.
The author explains, “Although the bacterium, Staphylococcus
aureus, is common and does not always cause illness, it can contaminate food
and give rise to skin infections and respiratory diseases. Its methicillin-resistant variation, known as
MRSA, has wreaked havoc on hospital systems, causing life-threatening
The study, reported in a recent issue of the journal Occupational and Environmental Medicine,
found that 10 of the 22 workers who were tested carried this potentially deadly
bacteria. The Times further states
that “86 percent of the workers in the study carried the S. aureus bacteria,
compared with about one-third of the population at large, according to the
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
In factory farms, where antibiotics are used to make animals
grow faster and to keep them alive in conditions that would otherwise kill
them, bacteria can develop resistance to antibiotics, making it virtually
impossible to treat humans who become infected by these
The best way to stave off superbugs is to boycott the
industry that’s helping create them. Transitioning to a diet free of animal
products is easy, healthy, and delicious. For more information, visit