Green Holiday Festival to the plights of farmed animals, and encouraged them to make a switch to a healthy and compassionate plant-based lifestyle.
Throughout the course of the festival, people packed MFA’s “Paid-Per-View” station to earn a dollar by watching a 4-minute segment of the eye-opening documentary Farm to Fridge. Horrified by how farmed animals are treated, many people pledged to choose vegetarian this holiday season, some even pledging never to eat animals again.
Volunteers also distributed stacks of pro-vegetarian MFA information to eco-friendly crowds eager to learn more about the environmental, ethical, and health benefits of plant-based eating. With the holidays just around the corner, this is the perfect time to inspire loved ones to extend their kindness and compassion to all living beings.
Inspired to set up your own holiday screening of Farm to Fridge? Check out our easy step-by-step instructions on how to set up a Paid-Per-View event, receive funding and obtain copies of Farm to Fridge and MFA’s Vegetarian Starter Kits.
MFA volunteers in New York City exposed thousands of festival-goers at the inaugural

Volunteers also distributed stacks of pro-vegetarian MFA information to eco-friendly crowds eager to learn more about the environmental, ethical, and health benefits of plant-based eating. With the holidays just around the corner, this is the perfect time to inspire loved ones to extend their kindness and compassion to all living beings.
Inspired to set up your own holiday screening of Farm to Fridge? Check out our easy step-by-step instructions on how to set up a Paid-Per-View event, receive funding and obtain copies of Farm to Fridge and MFA’s Vegetarian Starter Kits.