you spend hours writing blog posts about animals, leaving pro-veg comments on news
articles or Facebook posts, or sending friends and relatives lengthy messages
about how they can make positive changes for animals? Do you wish you could do
more—reach a larger audience, spread your message further, and spare more
animals from suffering on factory farms?
the age of the internet, it’s easy to be an “armchair activist. But some online
advocacy methods are more impactful than others. Today, Mercy For Animals is
making it easier than ever to be an effective
at-home activist: We’re launching oINK, a new writing team!
you sign up for oINK, we’ll email you a wide assortment of writing ideas (don’t worry—we won’t overload you!) to help you
amplify your voice and create change for animals. These include ideas for
letters to the editor; op-eds; and letters to policymakers, restaurants, and
businesses large and small. oINK will help you make an impact in your local
community and beyond, all from the comfort of your own home.
The written word is one of the
most powerful tools we have as advocates to speak up on the animals’ behalf. When
you join the writing team, your words will be combined with those of many
others, which means your letters, emails, and comments will reach more eyes and
do more good.
Keep in mind that you don’t have
to be an accomplished writer—or even a seasoned animal advocate—to make a
difference. If you have an email address, an internet connection, and a will to
write for animals, then join oINK!