Two years ago, a porcine epidemic ravaged the country,
killing a tenth of pigs raised for pork.
News reports that farmers are combating the epidemic’s possible return by
feeding pigs manure containing the virus or remains of dead piglets who were
infected. As of now there is no vaccine.
Porcine Epidemic Diarrhea virus (PEDv) infects baby pigs and
causes severe diarrhea. This illness spreads like wildfire in the close
quarters of a factory farm. Diseases like these are common in industrial
farming due to lack of space, hygiene, and veterinary care.
Factory farms promote not only disease, but also extreme
animal cruelty. For example, female pigs are confined in metal gestation crates
so small they can’t even turn around.
When their piglets don’t meet the industry’s size standards, they’re
slammed headfirst against the ground, a killing method known as “thumping.
Take a look:
You can help save pigs from these sickening conditions by
switching to a vegetarian diet. Click here to order your FREE Vegetarian Starter Guide.