Meat Is Canceled: Vegan Food Sales BOOM By 20 Percent Over Past Year

According to a recent Bloomberg article, a study commissioned by the Plant Based Foods Association found that sales of plant-based meat in the United States had grown by an impressive 24 percent over the past year.

The new retail data collected by Nielsen and the Plant Based Foods Association reveals that plant-based food sales overall, including sales of meat, dairy, and egg alternatives such as Beyond Meat, nut milks, and dairy-free ice cream, rose 20 percent over the past year to more than $3.3 billion. The days of the plant-based fringe market are over.

Additionally, the analysis found vegan milk sales rose 9 percent over the past year to $1.6 billion, creamers are up a whopping 131 percent at $109 million, cheeses are up 43 percent at $124 million, and yogurts grew 55 percent to $162 million in sales.

“These foods have moved into the mainstream, said Michele Simon, executive director of the Plant Based Foods Association. “They’re not just for the relatively small niche of vegan or vegetarian.

Similarly, a survey from last month by The NPD Group found that 43 million American consumers regularly purchase vegan foods, such as almond milk, tofu, and plant-based burgers. According to the market research firm, 86 percent of these people do not consider themselves vegan or vegetarian.

Other studies support these findings. The research firm GlobalData reports there were six times as many vegans in America in 2017 as in 2014, and Allied Market Research predicts that the meat substitute market will grow 8.4 percent from 2015, potentially reaching $5.2 billion globally by 2020. Additionally, Mintel’s 2018 Summer Food and Drink Trends report found that 33 percent of U.S. consumers plan to purchase more plant-based food products in the next year. And Lux Research predicts plant-based proteins will make up a third of the global protein market by 2054.

More people enjoying vegan food is great news for the billions of animals who suffer horribly at factory farms. Cows, pigs, and chickens raised and killed for food are subjected to unthinkable cruelties: tiny, filthy cages; burns and amputations; and merciless slaughter.

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Fortunately, by switching to a compassionate vegan lifestyle you can take a stand for animals, the environment, and your own health. Click here to get started. And check out our Pinterest page for thousands of recipe ideas!